AKTU Datasheet 2018: The students of the Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University are informed that the university has released the AKTU Date Sheet 2018-19 on its official site for the various ug, pg and other courses. The university is situated in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Students university who have deposited the application fees to the university for the AKTU UG PG Odd Semester Exam 2018 can download the exam date sheet from this page and check the exam dates as per the course.
Many students in the university are enrolled with the university and will sit in the AKTU Odd Semester Exam 2018. For a long time, these candidates were waiting for the release of the AKTU BA, B.Com, B.Sc Exam Date Sheet 2018. Now all the registered aspirants can download the date sheet from this page and check their exam dates easily. The exams will continue till the one month.
All the candidates can check their AKTU Date Sheet 2018-19 from this page easily. For this, you have to enter your roll no and course details. You can check the complete details of the exam from this page. These details are below of the page. With this, you will soon be able to download the AKTU UG PG Admit Card 2018 too for the exam from this page.
AKTU University UG PG Exam 2018:-
- University Name: – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University
- Name of the exam: – AKTU UG PG Odd Semester Exam 2018
- Course Offered: – UG and PG Exam
- Category: – AKTU Date Sheet 2018-19
- Official website: – aktu.ac.in
Students of the various courses in the AKTU University are notified that the AKTU Date Sheet 2018-19 is now available to download on the official site of the university. Candidates download it from this page to check their exam dates. The university has completed the process of preparing the exam date sheet. Now it is available on its official site.
How to Get the AKTU BA, B.Com, B.Sc Time Table 2018:-
- Visit the main site of the university that is aktu.ac.in
- Go to the download.
- Find a link that is AKTU Date Sheet 2018-19.
- Hits on that link
- Enter your roll no in it and course details.
- Date sheet will be opened.
- Download it on your computer.
- Check the dates in it carefully.
AKTU UG PG Admit Card 2018: –
Admit card for the UG and PG exam will be released before the 15 days of the exam on the official site university. The candidates who are registered for the exam will soon be able to download the call letter for the exam. The exam dates will be announced soon and you can check them here.
AKTU Odd Semester Exam Result 2018:-
The declaration of the result of the exam will take time. Many students will have appeared in the exam so checking their answer sheets is a tough task. You will soon be able to check your result from this page easily by entering your roll no and name.