FCI Recruitment 2015 Food Corporation of India (FCI) For 349 Management Trainee Posts FCI MT Vacancy: Food Corporation of India (FCI) was established in 1965 having its first district office at Thanjavur, Rice bowl of Tamil Nadu. Food Corporation of India (FCI) is one of the largest corporations in India and probably the largest supply chain management in Asia. Food Corporation of India (FCI) has publicized a recruitment Notification 2015 for 349 Management Trainee Posts. Intrigued and Qualified hopefuls must request the examination by submitting the online application structure from Date 02nd June 2015 02nd July 2015.
It would be ideal if you read the beneath given data, for example, Educational Qualification, Application Fees, Selection Procedure and so on for FCI Recruitment 2015, carefully before seeking this job. More information regarding the FCI Recruitment Notification are as follows:
GNDU Recruitment 2015 For 559 Assistant professor Posts
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FCI Recruitment 2015-
Recruitment Details:
Organisation Name : Food Corporation of India (FCI)
Job Type : Government Sector (349 Posts)
Application Last Date : 02nd July 2015
What Is The Educational Qualification for this job?
Educational Qualification:
Qualified applicants ought to be following capability like a graduate or CA/ICWA/CS/ B.com with MBA/MCA or B.E or B.tech in Civil/mechanical/Electrical/ food Science/Bio technology or Masters Degree in Hindi Subject from any recognised University with minimum of 60% marks.
What Is The Age Limit For This Job?
Age Limitation:
Qualified applicants age limit ought to be 28 years. Age relaxation is applicable as per the norms.
Name of the Vacant Posts-
Management Trainee Posts (349 Posts)
Details of the Vacancy-
North Zone [67 Posts]
1. Management Trainee (General) [08 Posts]
2. Management Trainee (Depot) [13 Posts]
3. Management Trainee (Movement) [04 Posts]
4. Management Trainee (Accounts) [25 Posts]
5. Management Trainee (Technical) [04 Posts]
6. Management Trainee (Civil Engineering) [09 Posts]
7. Manager (Hindi): 04 Posts
South Zone [113 Posts]
1. Management Trainee (General) [10 Posts]
2. Management Trainee (Depot) [20 Posts]
3. Management Trainee (Movement) [03 Posts]
4. Management Trainee (Accounts) [23 Posts]
5. Management Trainee (Technical) [49 Posts]
6. Management Trainee (Civil Engineering) [04 Posts]
7. Management Trainee (Mechanical Engineering) [01 Post]
8. Management Trainee (Electrical Engineering) [02 Posts]
9. Manager (Hindi) [01 Post]
East Zone [66 Posts]
1. Management Trainee (General) [06 Posts]
2. Management Trainee (Depot) [10 Posts]
3. Management Trainee (Movement) [02 Posts]
4. Management Trainee (Accounts) [10 Posts]
5. Management Trainee (Technical) [32 Posts]
6. Management Trainee (Civil Engineering) [04 Posts]
7. Management Trainee (Mechanical Engineering) [01 Post]
8. Management Trainee (Electrical Engineering) [01 Post]
West Zone [57 Posts]
1.Management Trainee (General) [06 Posts]
2. Management Trainee (Depot) [03 Posts]
3. Management Trainee (Accounts) [03 Posts]
4. Management Trainee (Technical) [38 Posts]
5. Management Trainee (Civil Engineering) [05 Posts]
6. Management Trainee (Mechanical Engineering) [01 Post]
7. Management Trainee (Electrical Engineering) [02 Posts]
V. North East Zone [46 Posts]
1. Management Trainee (General) [19 Posts]
2. Management Trainee (Depot) [05 Posts]
3. Management Trainee (Accounts) [05 Posts]
4. Management Trainee (Civil Engineering) [12 Posts]
6. Management Trainee (Mechanical Engineering) [02 Posts]
7. Management Trainee (Electrical Engineering) [03 Posts]
Rajasthan SSA Recruitment 2015 For 835 Assistant Director, Assistant Engineer & Other Posts
Telangana Electrical Department Recruitment 2015 For 1919 Assistant Engineer Jobs
Selection Process-
Qualified competitors ought to be selected based on performance in Written test (WT), Group Discussion (GD) and Interview for the Management Trainee and WT and interview for Manager (Hindi).
Pay Scale-
Selected applicants ought to be pay Rs. 16, 000/- In training period FCI MT 2015.
Application Fee-
Qualified applicants ought to be Pay Rs. 600/- for General category applicants and no fee for SC/ST/ PWD/ Female Category candidates.
Procedure To Apply-
Qualified applicants ought to be apply online through the official website of FCI (hrtc.gov.in) from Date 02nd June 2015 to Date 02nd July 2015.
Instruction to Fill Online Application-
1. Visit the Official Website Of FCI (www.fcijobsportal.com)
2. Click on the desired link.
3. Fill up the FCI Recruitment Notification Form Online.
4. Upload required documents.
5. Submit the Application and Download.
6. Save the hard copy, Wait for Admit Card/Hall ticket.
HRTC Recruitment 2015 For 119 Piecemeal Worker Posts
Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank Recruitment 2015 For 889 Officer Scale & Office Assistant Posts
Important Dates-
Starting Date of Online Application: Date 02nd June 2015
Last Date Of Online Application: Date 02nd July 2015
[button-red url=”http://www.fcijobsportal.com” target=”_blank” position=”center”]Apply Online Now[/button-red]