IIT JEE Advanced 2018 : Application Form, Exam Pattern, Eligibility, Syllabus & Preparation Tips

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IIT JEE Advanced 2018 Application Form, JEE 2018 Advanced Exam Pattern Eligibility, Syllabus & Exam Preparation Guide PDF Download- JEE Examination is the national Level entrance exam which will be managed by IIT Kanpur. After clearing the JEE Mains 2018 Examination Candidates can Apply for IIT JEE Advanced examination. Through the JEE Advanced Examination 2018 candidates will get admission into IITs & ISM. This IIT JEE Advanced is the second stage examination after the JEE Mains examination. Good news for all the applicants who are looking for JEE Advanced 2018 Application form because IIT JEE Advanced application Form 2018 will be available in the Month of May 2018 on the Official website of IIT JEE. According to the exports JEE Advanced exam is the toughest examination in India. All the Applicants who are going to appear the JEE Advanced 2018 Examination they need the hard work according to schedule & syllabus.

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First of all Congratulation to all Guys who have recently cleared the JEE mains 2018 Examination. After the declaration of JEE mains Exam Result 2018 the Board will release the JEE 2018 Application Form. so that the Applicants can opt the next step of JEE 2018 for getting Admission into Indian Institute of Technology (IITs). Only the Mains qualified Applicants are fit into the JEE Advanced Eligibility Criteria and Can fill the JEE 2018 Application Form Online through the official website. You have to register only through the online mode and You are not able to make JEE Advanced 2018 Registration through offline mode. You can expect the release of online forms in the month of April that will End in May 2018. This Article provide JEE Advanced Details like JEE Advanced 2018 Online Application, JEE Advanced 2018 Online Registration, JEE Advanced 2018 Admit card, JEE 2018 Advanced Eligibility Criteria, JEE 2018 Advanced Preparation Tips, Exam Dates Syllabus & Result.

JEE Advanced 2018 Exam Dates-

Here, we are providing tentative schedule of JEE Advanced exam dates 2018. Check important dates below:

Events Dates (Tentative)
Online Registration Starts 4th week of April 2018
Online Registration Closes 1st week of May 2018
Admit Card Availability 2nd week of May 2018
JEE Advanced (Paper 1 & Paper 2) 3rd week of May 2018 (9 to 12 PM & 2 to 5 PM)
Online display of ORS and scanned responses Last week of May 2018
Answer Key Released 1st week of June 2018
Receiving feedback from candidates on answer keys 1st week of June 2018
Declaration of Result 2nd week of June 2018
Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) Online Registration Date 2nd week of June 2018
Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) Exam Date 2nd week of June 2018
AAT Result Declaration Date 3rd week of June 2018
Seat Allotment Starts 3rd week of June 2018

JEE Advanced 2018 Registration-

Before to conduction this JEE 2018 Exam there will be also have to start them registration separately for those Students who want to appear in the JEE 2018 Advanced after qualifying the IIT JEE mains 2018 Examination. All those candidates can register for JEE Advanced 2018 through the online mode only. According to the Board JEE Advanced 2018 Registration will be started from Fourth Week of April 2018. Candidates will fill & Submit the Application Form till the First week of may 2018 by entering the mandatory details online. So After that you eligible candidates who are getting JEE Mains all India Rank below from 220000 with Positive Marks can be submit JEE Advanced Application Form 2018.

JEE Advanced Registration Process 2018 : Guidelines to Fill Online Form-

To help you in filling JEE Advanced 2018 Application Form, we are here listing out step by step process. You must follow them in order to successfully submit your form. The online application process can be divided into the following moves:

A: Login And fill details in JEE Advance form

B: Uploading Photos and Signature

C: Application Fee Payment and Printing Application Form

A: Login to Official Website and Fill Valid Details

Step 1: In the first step, you have to visit the official website of JEE Advanced. You will see a login window.

Step 2: Now, enter your Mains Roll Number and password. Enter the security pin and Submit it.

Step 3: Choose a new password for JEE Advanced Registration.

Step 4: You can see a fresh page showing your complete details that you have entered while applying for Mains exam.

Step 5: Now enter the number of attempts, preferences for 3 examination centres.

Step 6: Fill your category and scribe status.

Step 7: Now, once more you should check the details you have filled in JEE Advanced Application and submit it.

Step 8: After submitting you will be redirected to next process of uploading Photo and Signature.

B: Upload Scanned Images (Photo and Signature)

Step 1: Click on “Upload Images Option”.

Step 2: Upload your scanned photo and signature.

Step 3: Check if the images are uploaded correctly or not, then finally submit it

Step 4: As soon as you click on submit after image uploading, you will be redirected to JEE Advanced application form fee payment section.

JEE Advanced 2018 Registration Fee Details-

JEE Advanced 2018 registration fee varies for different categories of students and can be paid through online (Debit Card & Net Banking) or offline (SBI Challan) mode. The fee for JEE Advanced won’t be refunded nor transferred back. The fees for the different category of students is as follows:

Category Fee
                         Examination Centres in India
ST/SC/PWD candidates Rs. 1200
Female candidates Rs. 1200
All other candidates Rs. 2400
Late Fee Rs. 500
                          Exam Centres Outside India
Candidates of SAARC Countries USD 135
Candidates of Non-SAARC Countries USD 270
Late Fee charge USD 80

JEE Advanced 2018 Eligibility Criteria-

Before register for the JEE Advanced 2018 examination, candidates must check their eligibility criteria first. If candidates will not satisfy the given eligibility criteria, their registration will be cancelled.


  • Indian Citizen of India can apply for this exam.
  • PIO/OCI candidates can also apply.

JEE Main 2018:

  • For JEE Advanced 2018, India nationals (including OCI/PIO) have to appear JEE Main 2018.

Performance in JEE Main 2018:

  • Candidates should be among the top 2, 20,000 (including all categories) by securing positive marks in Paper 1 of JEE Main 2018.

Age Criteria For JEE Advanced 2018:

  • Age Limit: Candidates should be born on or after 1st October 1992.
  • Relaxation: There is five year relaxation for SC/ST/PwD categories. These candidates must be born on or after 1st October 1987.

Number of Attempts:

  • Candidates must appear for JEE Advanced exam (IIT JEE Exam) a maximum of two times in a consecutive years.
  • Candidates, those appeared in JEE Advanced 2017 for the first time, they are also eligible.

Appearance in Class XII (or equivalent):

  • Candidates should appear for the 10+2 or equivalent examination for the first time in either year 2017 or 2018.
  • Candidates, those 10+2 or equivalent examination result for the year 2015-2016 were announced after June 2016, they are also eligible to appear for JEE Advanced 2018.

Earlier Admission at IITs:

  • Candidates should not been admitted in an IIT irrespective of whether or not they continued in the programme) or accepted the IIT seat by reporting at the reporting centre in the past. Candidates, those admission at IITs was cancelled, they are also not eligible to apply for JEE Advanced 2018.
  • Candidates who are admitted to a preparatory programme in any of the IITs for the first time in 2017, they can apply for JEE Advanced 2018.
  • Candidates, those have paid the seat acceptance fee but not accepted the seat are eligible to appear in the JEE Advanced 2018.

Performance in 10+2 or Equivalent Examination:

  • Candidates have to score minimum 75% aggregate marks (65% in case of SC/ST/PwD category) in 10+2 or equivalent examination.
  • Candidates must be within the category-wise top 20 percentile of qualified candidates in their particular 10+2 or equivalent examination.
  • Candidates, those appeared in 10+2 (or equivalent) examination in 2017 but reappeared in 2018, the best of two performances will be considered.

JEE Advanced Exam Pattern-

The exam pattern is given here:

  • Mode of Exam: The exam will be held through online mode (computer based test).
  • No. of Papers: The exam will be comprised of two papers (Paper 1 & 2).
  • Attempts: Candidates have to attempt both the papers.
  • Language: The question paper will be asked in English & Hindi Language.
  • Exam Duration: The duration of the exam will be 3 hours.
  • Type of Questions: The question paper will contain objective type questions (multiple choice and numerical answer type).
  • Subjects: The question paper of both the paper will consist of the three separate sections which include Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics.

Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) 2018-

AAT (Architecture Aptitude Test) exam will be conducted for the candidates who want to get admission to the B.Arch course. Candidates have to appear for the AAT examination. Candidates, those qualified the JEE Advanced 2018 exam only they are eligible to apply for this test. To apply for this exam, candidates have to register themselves through online mode. The exam duration of AAT exam will be three hours. Candidates, those secure marks above than the cut-off marks will be considered as qualifies for the exam. No separate rank list will be made for AAT.

JEE Advanced 2018 Syllabus for Physics | Units & Topics Wise Marking Analysis-

As per the JEE Advanced Exam Pattern, the candidates need to attempt total 36 questions that consist of 124 Marks. If you want to grab maximum scores in this section, then make sure you obtain at least 100 Marks. Going step by step will make you achieve scoring this subject with great marks, so follow up the unit wise topics & check out their marking weightage.

Unit – 1: Electrodynamics (28 Marks & 22.58% Marking Weightage)-

S. No. Topic Name Marks (Marking Weightage)
1. Capacitance 6 (4.84%)
2. Current Electricity 8 (6.45%)
3. Electro Magnetic Field 3 (2.42%)
4. Electro Magnetic Induction 11 (8.87%)

Unit – 2: Heat & Thermodynamics (16 Marks & 12.90% Marking Weightage)-

S. No. Topic Name Marks (Marking Weightage)
1. Calorimetry & Thermal Expansion 3 (2.42%)
2. Heat Transfer 10 (8.06%)
3. KTG & Thermodynamics 3 (2.42%)

Unit – 3: Mechanics (31 Marks & 25.00% Marking Weightage)-

S. No. Topic Name Marks (Marking Weightage)
1. Circular Motion 6 (4.84%)
2. Elasticity & Viscosity 3 (2.42%)
3. Error in Measurement 7 (5.65%)
4. Rigid Body Dynamic 11 (8.87%)
5. Unit & Dimension 4 (3.23%)

Unit – 4: Modern Physics (23 Marks & 18.55% Marking Weightage)-

S. No. Topic Name Marks (Marking Weightage)
1. Modern Physics 23 (18.55%)

Unit – 5: Optics (18 Marks & 14.52% Marking Weightage)-

S. No. Topic Name Marks (Marking Weightage)
1. Geometrical Optics & Physical Optics 14 (11.25%)
2. Wave Optics 4 (3.23%)

Unit – 6: SHM & Waves (8 Marks & 6.45% Marking Weightage)-

S. No. Topic Name Marks (Marking Weightage)
1. SHM 4 (3.23%)
2. Sound Waves 4 (3.23%)

Apart from all the Unit Wise Marking weightage, we have listed down the most important topics of JEE Advanced Physics from Paper 1 & Paper 2.

S.No. Topic Name Paper-I Weightage Important topics
1 Thermodynamics 14-15%
2 Electromagnetic Induction 21-22%
3 Optics 11-12%
4 Modern Physics 9-10%
5 Fluid Mechanics 11-12%
6 Sound Waves 4-5%
7 Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision 6-7%
8 Alternating Current 6-7%
9 Wave Motion and String Waves 6-7%
10 Heat Transfer 6-7%
S.No Topic Name Paper-2 Weightage Important topics
1 Alternating Current 6-7%
2 Capacitors 9-10%
3 Current Electricity 6-7%
4 Electrostatics 6-7%
5 Gravitation 4-5%
6 Kinematics 4-5%
7 Magnetism 11-12%
8 Measurement and Errors 4-5%
9 Modern Physics 4-5%
10 Rotational Dynamics 29-30%
11 Vectors 4-5%
12 Wave Optics 5-6%

Syllabus of JEE Advanced for Chemistry | Important Topics & Chapter Wise Weightage-

Chemistry is confusing yet scoring subject! The JEE Mains & Advanced Syllabus for Chemistry is quite similar but the difficulty level is one step higher than the JEE Mains Syllabus. Likewise, the Physics Exam Pattern, Chemistry also consists total 36 Question worth 124 marks. The subject is divided in 3 parts – Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry & Physical Chemistry. Check out the unit wise list of important topics given below:

Unit – 1: Inorganic Chemistry (36 Marks)-

S. No. Topic Name Marks
1. Chemical Bonding 8
2. P-Block 11
3. Coordination Compounds 6
4. Metallurgy 4
5 Qualitative Analysis 7

Unit – 2: Organic Chemistry (45 Marks)-

S. No. Topic Name Marks
1. General Organic Chemistry 8
2. Amines 11
3. Aromatic Compounds 6
4. Biomolecules 4
5. Polymers 7
6. Stereoisomerism 6
7. Carbonyl compounds 3

Unit – 3: Physical Chemistry (43 Marks)-

S. No. Topic Name Marks
1. Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemistry 3
2. Chemical Equilibrium 6
3. Gaseous State 3
4. Mole Concept 9
5. Electrochemistry 3
6. Chemical Kinetics 8
7. Solution & Colligative Properties 4
8. Surface Chemistry 3
9 Solid State 4

Please also have a look at the overview of JEE Advanced Syllabus of Chemistry for Paper 1 & Paper 2.

S.No Topic Name Paper-I Weightage Important topics
1 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 14-15%
2 Atomic Structure 14-15%
3 Chemical Bonding 4-5%
4 Organic Chemistry 11-12%
5 Solid State 4-5% – 
6 Coordination Compounds 4-5% – 
7 Electrochemistry 4-5%
8 P-Block Elements 13-14%
9 Thermodynamics 6-7%
10 Hydrocarbons 13-14%
11 Solutions 6-7%
S.no Topic Name Paper-2 Weightage Important topics
1 Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 9-10%
2 Chemical Kinetics 6-7%
3 Electrochemistry 4-5%  –
4 Equilibrium in Physical and Chemical Processes 6-7%
5 Haloalkenes and Haloarenes 6-7%
6 Hydrocarbons 6-7%
7 Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen 9-10%
8 P-Block Elements 22-23%
9 Solutions 4-5%
10 Some P-Block Elements 6-7%
11 Study of First Element: Hydrogen 4-5%
12 Surface Chemistry 6-7%
13 Thermodynamics 4-5% – 

IIT JEE Advanced Syllabus of Maths + Unit & Topic Wise Marking Weightage-

JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus is completely based on 12th Level Mathematics. Only the way of solving them gets a bit shorter in this exam. Below, we have listed the important topics of JEE Advanced Maths that you must cover to score enough in this subject. Check out the list below:

S. No. Topic Names Marks
1. Binomial Theorem 3
2. Complex Numbers 7
3. Coordinate Geometry 18
4. Differential & Integral Calculus 38
5. Probability 9
6. Quadratic Equation 3
7. Permutation & Combination 3
8. Matrices 14
9. Sequence & Series 3
10. Trigonometry 10
11 Vector & 3D 11
12 Fundamentals of Mathematics 5

Please have a quick glace to the overview of Maths Syllabus of JEE Advanced below.

S.no Topic Name Paper-I Weightage Important topics
1 Application of Derivatives 14-15%
2 Ellipse 4-5%
3 Circles 9-10%
4 Parabola 11-12%
5 Definite Integral 11-12%
6 Permutations and Combinations 4-5%  –
7 Sequence and Series 4-5%  –
8 Matrices 11-12%
9 Limits and Continuity 6-7%  –
10 Hyperbola 6-7%  –
11 Probability 6-7%  –
12 Complex Numbers 6-7%  –
S.no Topic Name Paper-2 Weightage Important topics
1 3D Geometry 20-21%
2 Application of Derivatives 19-20%
3 Area of Bounded Regions 6-7%
4 Definite Integrals 13-14%
5 Differential Equations 4-5%
6 Limits and Continuity 6-7%
7 Matrices 4-5% – 
8 Probability 4-5% – 
9 Sets, Relations and Functions 4-5% – 
10 Theory of Equations 9-10%
11 Trigonometry 6-7%

JEE Advanced Qualification Marks [Required Mains Score]

As per the JEE Advanced 2018 Eligibility Criteria, only the Top 2,20,000 (including all categories) qualified candidates of Mains Exam will be eligible to appear in the JEE Advanced 2018 Exam. The Qualifying Marks of JEE Advanced 2018 are listed below :

  •  For OBC Category – 27%
  •  For SC Category – 15%
  •  For ST Category – 7.5%
  •  For General Category – 50.5% (OPEN for all others)
  •  For PWD – 3% of each of these 4 Categories

JEE Advanced 2018 Admit Card-

  • The JEE Advanced Admit Card 2018 will be tentatively available from the 2nd week of May 2018 through online mode from the official website.
  • At the time of examination, the candidate has to compulsorily bring their Admit Card along with one photo ID proof or else candidate won’t be allowed to enter the examination hall.
  • The JEE Advanced Admit Card 2018 will contain candidates & exam details such as Name, Roll no., Gender, Venue, Date, Time of the examination centre.

JEE Advanced 2018 Preparation Books-

2. Chemistry-

3. Maths-

JEE Advanced 2018 Question Papers –

Apart from these books IIT KGpian Nishant Mehrotra says that “Past years 36 Papers are good enough If you have seriously prepared for JEE Advanced for the past 1/2/ whatever numbers of years”. hence apart from daily practice books students should solve the previous year question papers to get a fair Idea of the difficulty of exam. To get the feel of the exam you can download the previous year papers and try solving them. IIT JEE Previous years papers are very important part of your preparation as it gives a fair idea about the difficulty of the paper.

How to Prepare for IIT JEE Advanced 2018-

Though there is not any particular strategy that works with every aspirant, but the tips below may help you in preparing your own strategy.

1. Solve numerical problems as many as possible:

At least try to solve 60 problems from day 1 including PCM.

2. Always note down your mistakes:

Keep track of your efforts so you never make the same mistake twice.

3. Make a target for every day:

It’s good to have a target so you know what you’re working towards. Always aim to achieve that.

4. Develop a subject-wise strategy:

Spend more time with difficult subject as there is more scope for improvement.

5. Fight until exam ends:

Give your best till the end. Do not give in to slack as that will be easily become a habit.

6. Target the difficult parts of the syllabus:

Focus first on the difficult topics along with concise, crisp, easy-to-look up notes.

JEE Advanced 2018 ORS & Answer Key-

The JEE Advanced Answer KEY and ORS 2018 will be published by the concerned authorities through online mode. The announcement of ORS and scanned responses will be done by the concerned authority in the last week of May 2018. The JEE Advanced Answer Key will be published tentatively in the 1st week of June 2018.

JEE Advanced 2018 Result-

JEE Advanced 2018 Result will be tentatively declared in the 2nd week of June 2018 through online mode.Candidates can check their result on the official website by entering their details like Roll No, Name, etc. Candidates have to take a printout of the Result for further use.

Rank List-

After the JEE Advanced Result is declared a Merit list will be prepared on basis of the marks secured by the candidates in the examination. Candidates who have appeared in both JEE Advanced papers will be considered for ranking. In there is a tie in the aggregate marks of two or more students, then the highest rank will be given to the candidate who has secured more marks in Mathematics subject.

JEE Advanced 2018 Counselling-

The JEE Advanced counselling 2018 will be conducted by the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) the main authority for a centralised counselling for admission into IITs, ISM, NITs other Govt Funded Technical Institutes (GFTIs). Candidates who have successfully passed the JEE Advanced 2018 Examination have to sit for the JoSAA seat allocation process. The dates for Counselling schedule will be published by the JoSSA separately.