Indian Air Force Group Y previous year papers, IAF Previous year papers download, IAF Group X Eligibility Criteria, IAF Group Y Eligibility Criteria 2018 IAF Group X Recruitment 2018, IAF Group x Online Form Indian Air Force Group X & Y exam papers, Indian Air Force Group X Sample papers
Indian Air Force X Group Recruitment
Indian Air Force is on set to commence a recruitment for the IAF post. All eligible aspirants who are in a search for Indian Army posts must check this notification. According to official notification Indian Army will start up this procedure of selection from April- May month 2018. For each entrant who his having a desire of the be a part of this recruitment, must check with the details which deals with the eligibility criteria and other details. This is a necessary information as per the candidate so that they can judge themselves for recruitment scale. Today we are here to avail our aspirants with the most updates information on Indian Air Force (IAF) X Group Recruitment 2018
IAF Group X Recruitment Form 2018-
Indian Air Force is the air arm force. It is commonly knows as Bhartiya Vayusena and it is a part of Indian Armed Forces. It is best works for securing the airspace. There are a large section of army works for IAF. Every year IAF provides youngsters an opportunity to work for IAF department. Mostly these exams were conducted by SSC. As IAF is a reputed department lakh of entrants applied for the recruitment. But for the selection procedure is tough, IAF selects only few best aspirants for the posts. Similarly IAF is planning to recruit aspirants for X group posts. Officially the number of posts are yet to be announced by IAF. Before applying for the posts aspirant have to go through other details.
Education Qualification –
Candidate has to be a graduate pass out form any recognized University. Or must be a 10+2 pass out with Mathematics, Physics and English with minimum 50% of marks in aggregate. Students who had completed a diploma in Engineering can also apply for the recruitment
Age Limit-
Candidate who are born up to 1 August 1996, are eligible for the recruitment
Group X Pay Scale-
Selected aspirants will be hired on a pay scale of Rs 11,400/-
Physical Standard –
Entrant height must be 152.5 cm with a chest expansion must be 5 cm
Selection Process-
Candidate have to appear for a written test first. Then after selected aspirants have to appear for a physical standard test. If candidate gets selected in this round then they will be going with a document versification round which will be marked as the final stage of the selection.
How to apply for IAF Recruitment 2018-
- you have you log in to official website
- On home page you will get a section “Recruitment ”
- Click on this section and a new window will open
- you will get a link ”Click here for Indian Air Force (IAF) X Group Recruitment”,
- select this link and your form will appear on your screen
- Start filling up online application form by providing your basic details
- Upload your scanned photograph jpg image
- Review it before submission so that any required field cannot be left lank
- Click on submit button
Note down the details that appears after final submission is done. We wish you all best of luck for IAF recruitment
Apply for Indian Air Force Grp. X Recruitment Now
Indian Air Force Group X & Y Previous Year Papers
Attention candidates !! Very soon IAF is going to organise a recruitment which will be for aspirants under Group X and Y. Very soon this recruitment will be going to be commenced on various cities of Rajasthan. There will be a large scale of posts available in this recruitment. This is for the aspirants who are currently in a search for government jobs. If you are willing to apply for the recruitment you must be willing and searching for IAF Group X & Y Previous Year Papers. This is the best source to prepare for the exams in a systematic manner.

Download IAF Group X & Y Previous Year Papers
IAF is a government organisation which works actively for air arm area managed under Indian Armed Forces. Every year there are many recruitment programs that are conducted by IAF to select multiple number of aspirants for department.
As government jobs are the most popular sector, large number of aspirants applied for the exam. Now IAF is all set to conduct a paper for grp x and y. To all aspirants who are going to prepare for this previous year paper is the most searchable thing. What matters is that previous year appears can help the entrants in lots of manner. Through this aspirant can get all information related with the exam. Most of the information includes exam pattern and questions that were asked on the exam
IAF Group X exam previous year papers
IAF will conduct this paper in a written test first. This written test will be comprising of subjects which includes English, Physics and Mathematics. This will be a descriptive type questions. Time allot to candidates to complete the paper will be 1 hour. Aspirant will have to score the merit marking scheme which will be strictly based on cut off section. It is important for candidates to download the previous year papers. Now candidates can check the details on Previous year papers. Through previous year papers candidates fear of marking scheme could be crack down. Beside this also it less out the burden of difficulty level for paper. Candidate can download previous year papers in pdf format. This will be later kept and entrant can start preparation on behalf of it. More over previous year papers will make sure them about preparing for upcoming exams.
Indian Air Force Group X & Y Sample Papers-
Indian Air Force will soon going to organize a paper for recruitment on Group X and Y cadre. A large number of aspirants are going to take part in this paper. Very soon registrations for the paper will begin. According to tentative analysis this recruitment will be starting from May and June month of 2018. As there is less time remains for the paper to get commenced a large number of aspirants had started searching for Grp X and Y Model Sample papers. All those aspirants who are going to mark their presence for this paper must need IAF Model Sample Papers.
Indian Air Force Group X Model Papers-
IAF will conduct the paper which is the first step to begin the recruitment. Selected aspirants will be going to perform a physical entry test. It is compulsory for aspirants to gain merit marks with cut off to be eligible for the next round. To do that so one should need to follow some sample paper or IAF model test papers. These are the set of questions or we can say a set of study materials which are going to be asked on the main examination. Every aspirants need to get it as downloadable format so that they can go through it and make their own study plans. This will provide them all the relevant information. This is a judging scale in which behalf aspirant can study in a better way.
Indian Air Force Group Y Model Papers-
IAF Group X Y Model papers are a set of unsolved questions which are based on subjects that are going to be asked on main examination. These are provided on both offline and online manner. Entrants can get it through any institutes or whether any exam experts can provide it a a form of notes. Beside this also aspirants can get them in a book format which is easily available on market. We are today providing aspirants grp x and y papers online. Aspirants can download these pdf format documents through which they can access them very easily. They can take out the handout as it will be present and uploaded on pdf format. once downloaded entrants can check various things which are related with the exam. It will help them out to get information about the type of questions that are asked mainly on exams. Also it will avail them the marking wattage for the paper for each section. Through sample papers entrants can get number of questions and time allotment for the paper.
Download Model Questions for Grp X and Y
Indian Air Force (IAF) Group X Eligibility Criteria-
Pay attention aspirants !! if you are looking for jobs in Indian army then you must go for this notification. Very soon IAF is providing aspirants an opportunity to work for the Group X and Y posts. This is for section of eligible aspirants. This recruitment will be going to be held from April and May month of 2018. All those aspirants who are willing to apply for the exam must go for the eligibility criteria. One can judge themselves for the recruitment just on this behalf only. Now aspirants can go for the detail description before they willing to apply for group X and Y posts on IAF
Indian Air Force IAF Group y eligibility criteria 2018-
IAF is a government firm which is responsible to undertake the securities that are related with. Every year there are various selection procedure which includes online/offline or sometimes direct bharti for IAF. This year IAF is in a search for recruiting aspirants under group X and Y posts. IAF recruitment analysis experts are expected that there will be a large number of aspirants going to apply for this recruitment. To all them it is mandatory to get information about eligibility criteria f IAF. This is the main selection procedure. On this entrant will be judging on various scales. This includes his/her academic recodes and other performances. It is on this behalf that selected aspirant will be able to get appear for the recruitment procedure further
IAF Grp X and Y Selection Process-
IAF will soon begin the recruitment process for aspirants under grp x and y section. Aspirants will have to report to exam premises on the exact date and time allotted to them. Before applying for the respective posts, it is better to go through eligibility criteria set by IAF. As there will be lakhs of aspirants aspirants apply for this recruitment, many off them will be short list on eligibility criteria bases
IAF Group X Eligibility Criteria
Aspirant must be a 10+2 pass out with Mathematics, Physics and English with minimum 50% of marks in aggregate.
Age limit
Candidate who are born up to 1 August 1996, are eligible for the recruitment
Physical Standard
Candidate has to be at least 152.5 cms tall with a chest measure up to 5 cm (expansion)
IAF Group Y Eligibility Criteria
Aspirants must be a 10th pass out or HSC pass out with at least 50% of aggregate marks. Those candidates which had completed 2 years vocational course can also apply for the recruitment
Age limit
Any entrant who born between 1st of August 1996 and 30th November 1999 is eligible for recruitment
Physical Standard
- Height – Minimum height required is 152.5 cm.
- Chest – Minimum range of expansion: 5 cm
We hope that you had got all information you were looking for. We wish you all best of luck for IAF group x and Y recruitment 2018. Stay tuned for more details