Maharashtra Board 10th Result 2018- Download at

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Maharashtra Board 10th Result 2018

Maharashtra Board 10th Result 2018: Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune is an autonomous body established on January 1966 but name Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Education was given in year 1976. Board focuses on providing good and high quality education in state of Maharashtra Board conducts both HSC and SSC annual examination every year. Maharashtra Sate Board of Secondary and Higher Education is going to announce the SSC/ 10th Result 2018. Class 12th results are expected to be announced on 3rd June, 2018. Result will be available on the official site i.e.

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Maharashtra SSC Result 2018 at

Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education conducted the SSC examination in the month of March 2018. Exams were conducted at various examination centres across the state. There were a large number of candidates who appeared for the examination, all those students are excited to check the Maharashtra Board 10th Result 2018. Maharashtra Board will announce the result soon on the official site i.e.

Candidates can soon check their result, after SSC Result 2018 will be announced, the link to check result will be made active, thereafter the candidates can check their result. Last year, Maharashtra Board announced, class 10th result on 17th June, 2018 while this year it is being announced soon (expected on 3rd June). As the board has improved the evaluation process, they are able to announce the results soon and made them available to the candidates waiting anxiously there.

The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is a statutory and autonomous body established under the Maharashtra Secondary Boards Act 1965. The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary Education, Pune came into existence on January 1, 1966 to regulate certain matters pertaining to secondary education in the state of Maharashtra, India. The act was amended in 1976 and the name of the Board changed to its present name – The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. The most prominent task of the board is to conduct the SSC and HSC examinations. The exams are conducted in March and results declared in June.

Check Online Maharashtra Board 10th Result 2018

Candidates who wants to check their result, those candidates can now soon their result. To get an easy access to their SSC Results 2018, candidates must follow the few mentioned steps given below:

  1. Firstly visit the official site i.e.
  2. Now click on the results links.
  3. Then enter your Roll Number or also you can search by Name.
  4. After that click on submit button.
  5. In a few seconds, your result will be given on your screens.
  6. You can also take a printout of the result.

Maharashtra SSC Result 2018-

For further queries and more details regarding SSC examination Result candidates are requested to visit official website. Also Keep in touch with our website too for latest updates so that you don’t miss anything important.

Maharashtra State Secondary & Higher Secondary Education
Pune- 411 004, Maharashtra
Phone no- 020-2570530

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