Study In Australia, Engineering Study & Best University In Australia

Study Engineering And Technology in Australia How to Study in Australia Best University In Australia

Do you want to Study in Australia ? If yes ,continue and see all the process involved in Studying Engineering in Australia. here we provide some Best University to Study in Australia and How to Study Engineering in Australia. Don’t miss the last part of this article because there are some key points there for you on Study Engineering in Australia.

Best University In Australia-

University of Sydney

University of Tasmania

University of Technology

Sydney University of the Sunshine Coast

University of New South Wales

RMIT University

Curtin University

Monash University

Swinburne University of Technology

University of Queensland

University of Technology, Sydney

University of Southern Queensland

University of Adelaide

University of Western Sydney

University of Wollongong

Victoria University

Engineering Study In Australia-

These are ranked among the top 100 in the world. If you afraid that you are a foreigner and might be victim of discrimination when you get there. No! Australia has the third highest number of foreign students in their colleges coming after United stated of america and United kingdom respectively.

I am writing this article in other to guide willing student who wants to Study engineering in Australia from anywhere from the world but i know that this guide is also relevant to any student of any course of study.

1. Visit any foreign exams centre in Your country:

Some foreign exam centre will guide you through on how to apply for any course of study you want to Study in any Australian University.

In case you don’t have any foreign exam centre in your city you can go directly to the Ministry of Education in your country and request for the guide on How to Study in Australia.

2. Application Submission:

Surely you will be given some forms to fill in any centre you head to, try to submit your application within the time specified.

3. Offer Acceptance:

Most of these Universities always have slot for foreign students , so there is high probability that your application will be accepted. The acceptance form will be sent to you directly to you from their administrative office so don’t accept any form that is not directly from your prefered university.

4. VISA Processing:

After your approval into the university , the next thing for you is to start preparing to Travel to Australia. This can be done through travel agency in your country. Approach any travel agent and start processing your Student VISA

5. Tuition fee payment:

If you are not on scholarship then you have to expect to pay some fees for your Schooling in Australia. All these will be stated clearly in the acceptance letter.

6. Pre-departure orientation:

This is done almost a week to your departure to Australia. You will be guided on some important things you need to know about Study in Australia. Don’t miss the orientation day because it will give you access to network with other student going there.

Important Notes about Study Engineering in Australia-

* The Bachelor of Engineering Technology (three years) is available at a selection of Australian universities and courses to become an Engineering Associate can be studied at TAFE.

* If you are considering an Engineering career, it is important that you thoroughly investigate the entry requirements as
these vary from course to course and between universities.

* Students generally have 22 to 30 contact hours per week and a year is divided into two semesters each of 14 to 16 weeks duration.

* Engineering degree is of four years duration, a Technologist Degree is of three years duration and a combined Degree is of five years duration. Post Graduate Programs, taken after completing a first Degree in Engineering, may be either broadening or specialist.

Article BY: Adetona Abiodun