UPPSC Recruitment 2016 For uppsc.up.nic.in 2234 Allopathic MO, Professor & Other Posts

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UPPSC Recruitment 2016 Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) For2234 Allopathic MO, Professor & Other Posts uppsc.gov.in:  Uttar Pradesh public service commission is abbreviated UPPSC. The public service commission is allotted for each and every state individually. It releases the recruitments to fill vacant locations in various departments. UPPSC releases recruitments annually. It recruits eligible and efficient applicants to work in their institution.  Uttar Pradesh public service commission  (UPPSC) has publicized a recruitment Notification 2015 for 2234 Allopathic MO, Professor & Other Posts. Intrigued and Qualified hopefuls must request the examination by submitting the online application structure from Date 21st December 2015 to Date 21st January 2016.

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It would be ideal if you read the beneath given data, for example, Educational Qualification, Application Fees, Selection Procedure and so on for UPPSC Recruitment 2015, carefully before seeking this job. More information regarding the UPPSC Recruitment Notification are as follows:

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UPSC Recruitment 2016-

Recruitment Details:

Organisation Name : Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC)

Job Type : Government Sector (2234 Posts)

Application Last Date : 21st January 2016

What Is The Educational Qualification for this job?

Educational Qualification:

Qualified applicants ought to be following capability like a M.B.B.S. degree of a University recognized by the Medical Council of India, Post-graduate Degree/ Diploma in Medical or Health Sciences in particular subject for Allopathic Medical Officer Posts; Post-graduate degree in Mathematics or Mathematical Statistics or Commerce or Economics or Statistics for Assistant Research Officer (Statistics) (Physically Handicapped/ Backlog) Post; Degree from a University established by law in India (Graduate level) for Assistant Manager (Non technical) Posts; Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks for Lecturer (Math) Posts; Degree in Fire Engineering from National Fire Service College, Nagpur or any equivalent degree for Chief Fire Officer Posts. For more details on Educational Qualification for UPPSC Recruitments 2016 refer to the official website of UPPSC.

What Is The Age Limit For This Job?

Age Limitation:

Qualified applicants Age limit ought to be 25 years to 40 years Lecturer Posts; 30 years to 50 years for Professor Posts; 21 years to 40 years for other posts. Age relaxations are applicable as per rules.

Name of the Vacant Posts-

Allopathic MO, Professor & Other Posts [2234 Posts]

UPPSC Recruitment 2014 –Apply For Rajasva Nirikshak Posts

RPSC Recruitment 2015 For 502 Assistant Professor Posts

Details of the Vacancy-

1. Allopathic Medical Officer [2099 Posts]
2. Assistant Research Officer (Statistics) (Physically Handicapped/ Backlog) [02 Posts]
3. Assistant Manager (Non technical) [31 Posts]
4. Lecturer (Math) [01 Post]
5. Chief Fire Officer [06 Posts]
6. Professor (IImul Atfa) [01 Post]
7. Manager (General Recruitment) [12 Posts]
8. Professor [47 Posts]
9. Assistant Engineer (Traffic and Transportation Planning) [02 Posts]
10. Professor (IImul Saidla) [01 Post]
11. Mines Officer [11 Posts]
12. Research Officer [09 Posts]
13. Lecturer (Hifzane Seh) [01 Post]
14. Chief Fire Officer [01 Post]
15. Assistant Director, Fisheries [06 Posts]
16. Entomological Assistant (Junior Grade) [03 Posts]
17. Lecturer (Kulliyat Special Recruitment) [01 Post]

Selection Process-

Qualified competitors ought to be selected based on their performance in Written Exam and Interview

Application Fee-

Qualified applicants ought to be Pay Rs. 105/- for General Category applicants, Rs. 65/- for SC/ST & Rs. 25/- (online processing fee) for PH category in the form of E-challan in any of the branches of State Bank of India or Punjab National Bank..

Procedure To Apply-

Qualified applicants ought to be apply online through the official website of UPPSC (www.uppsc.gov.in.in) on or before Date 14th August 2015.

Instruction to Fill Online Application-

1. Visit the Official Website Of UPPSC (www.uppsc.gov.in.in)

2. Click on the  on All Notifications/ Advertisements.

3. Click on “Apply” Select the desired post Click on “Candidate Registration” and Fill all the mandatory details.

3. Fill up the UPPSC Recruitment Notification Form Online.

4. Upload required documents.

5. Submit the Application and Download.

6. Save the hard copy, Wait for Admit Card/Hall ticket.

UPPSC Recruitment 2015 For 322 Medical Officer & Other Posts

JSSC Recruitment 2016 For www.jssc.in 1394 Kakshpal Posts

Important Dates-

Last Date Of Online Application: Date 14th August 2015.


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